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Selling Process

Deal Confirmation
Agree rate & quantity between the seller and Stockify.
Letter of Intent
Sign an LOI between the two parties.
KYC Verification Aadhar | PAN | Demat CML
For NRIs, NRO bank statement is required.

Transfer to Stockify Demat
Seller will transfer the shares to Stockify demat account.

Payment Confirmation
Stockify will make the payment and send the advise to the seller. 

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Piyush Jhunjhunwala
Piyush Jhunjhunwala
CA, CPA, Ex. PepsiCo, Reckitt, Coty
CEO & Founder
Dubai, UAE.
Rahul Khatuwala
Rahul Khatuwala
Ex. Wipro & Finaco Founder
Bangalore, India.