In-Depth Analysis Of (NCDEX) Unlisted Shares’ Performance In The Last Five Years

National Commodity and Derivative Exchange Limited (NCDEX) is a prominent national-level, technology-driven, demutualized online commodity exchange company. It manages trade, especially in agricultural items in India. Furthermore, it offers a platform for trading agricultural commodities like cereals, pulses, spices, oilseeds and non-agriculture commodities like energy, metal, etc. Apart from the agriculture sector, the company has also performed well in the grey market. As a potential investor, if you’re looking to diversify your investment portfolio and earn high ROI in the future, you must know about the NCDEX unlisted shares’ past 5 years’ performance. Let’s start and shed light on it. 

A Detailed Overview Of NCDEX

Incorporated on April 23, 2003, NCDEX is a regulated commodities exchange in India. It provides 21 commodities to more than 2.9 million clients for trading via its over 10,750 terminals. This makes its presence in over a dozen states in the country. Since NCDEX operates through an electronic trading platform, it allows traders and investors to participate in commodity futures contracts from anywhere, just with access to the internet. The company tailors to various participants, including farmers, traders, exporters-importers, institutional investors, etc. In addition, as a regulated exchange, NCDEX adheres to strict compliance and rules to maintain transparency and fair trading practices in the market. 

The Last 5 Years’ Performance Of NCDEX

NCDEX is a leading exchange company in India, enticing investors to participate by investing in its unlisted shares. Considering its financial performance, the company earned a total revenue of Rs. 12 Crore in FY18-19, Rs. 8 Crore in FY19-20, Rs. 4 Crore in 20-21, and Rs. 2 Crore in FY 21-22. The company’s past five years’ financials clearly indicate that it did not perform well. However, the company has been deeply committed to the national goal of uplifting and developing farmers and agriculture sectors to stay ahead in the market. Based on the financial performance of the company and market trends, NCDEX unlisted share prices also get affected. The NCDEX pre-IPO stock prices are currently available at Rs. 400. 

Highlights OF NCDEX Upcoming IPO

To expand its business operations and make a high presence in the market, NCDEX filed IPO papers with SEBI for Rs. 500 crore. According to the Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP), the IPO includes an offer for the sale of up to Rs. 1.44 crore equities by shareholders and a new issue of up to Rs. 100 cr. NABARD, Punjab National Bank, Oman India Joint Venture Fund Canara Bank, and IFFCO are the major shareholders who are heading to sell their stake in the NCDEX IPO. However, the launch date of the IPO is not yet disclosed. But filing an IPO by the company is an opportunity for potential investors to secure high returns on their investments by making early investments. 

Benefits Of Investing In NCDEX Unlisted Shares

Do you want to diversify your investment portfolio? Do you want to gain a high ROI? If yes, making an investment in an unlisted shares company like NCDEX would be your right choice. Here is the list of top benefits you can reap by investing in NCDEX unlisted shares. Let’s dive in below. 

Early Stage Investment 

The company is yet to go public, but it has applied for an IPO, so this is indeed a great opportunity for potential investors to make early investments and be a part of a growing company. This allows investors to witness the growth of the company from its early days and benefit from its growth trajectory. 

Diverse Product Portfolio 

As you know, the company offers various product portfolios for trading different agricultural and non-agricultural commodities. This allows investors to trade in multiple products and earn high returns on their investments. 

Market Leader

NCDEX has been a leading commodity exchange leader in India. It has established its presence across the country, which has contributed to its reputation and credibility to date.

If you’re planning to invest in NCDEX unlisted shares and looking for a platform to buy, count on Stockify. Being one of India’s best online broking platforms, you can buy unlisted shares of different pre-IPO companies from here seamlessly. Our expert brokers at Stockify will guide you throughout the trading journey and give you relevant information about the company you want to invest in. From EBITDA to EPS, profit and loss report, and other key indicators, you will get every detail about the company. Apart from NCDEX, you can invest in other industries like retail, energy, finance, technology, etc. So, what are you waiting for? Just connect and speak to the expert broker and start your journey of unlisted shares now. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Has NCDEX applied for an IPO with SEBI?

Ans. NCDEX has already filed for IPO For Rs. 500 crore. However, the IPO is still under process. Stay tuned with us to get IPO updates. 

  1. At what price NCDEX unlisted share prices are available?

Ans. NCDEX unlisted shares are available at Rs. 400. However, the prices fluctuate based on market trends and the company’s financial performance. 

  1. What are the factors that affect national commodity and derivative exchange limited share prices?

Ans. National Commodity and Derivative Exchange Limited’s share price gets affected by factors such as industry trends, the company’s performance, global economic conditions, regulatory changes, etc. 

  1. Who owns NCDEX?

Ans. National Commodity and Derivative Exchange Limited is a company owned by the government of India. 

  1. How do I buy NCDEX unlisted shares?

Ans. You can buy NCDEX unlisted shares from Stockify. It is a reliable platform for buying and selling pre-IPO stocks of top-rated companies in India. Connect with the experts today at Stockify.

Table of Contents

If you want to diversify your investment portfolio and earn high ROI, NCDEX unlisted shares are your best bet. Check this blog to know the last 5 years’ performance of NCDEX.

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