Importance of Investing in Unlisted Shares


Unlisted shares have been gaining its value for past many years. With many investors making their way to unlisted shares, you can also try investing in your favorite unlisted companies and get a better hang of it once the company gets listed to the pubic. But for people who still have their doubts, lets look at how safe it is to buy unlisted shares and how important it is.

Are Unlisted shares safe to buy?

As Unlisted shares are not organized and managed well, they can hold risk based on this aspect. But unlisted shares are mostly traded between companies, online platforms, or brokerage houses. So check out the reputation depending on the market participation of unlisted shares to reduce your risks. The risk might go down even more if you invest through the right platform for buying and selling unlisted shares.

But never ignore to check out or research the company’s details before investing in unlisted shares, as depending upon the company the shares will get listed to the public, and your returns will double the amount, otherwise, you might lose all your savings into the drain. Know the company’s in-depth knowledge of its fundamentals, and growth, before you start investing.

Importance of investing in Unlisted Shares

There are a lot of plus points of investing in unlisted shares,

Higher Returns – When a Company starts off and has not been listed publicly or its shares are undervalued, then it’s the right time to invest in a company that is performing very well, as once it is listed publicly on the equity markets then there are higher chances for people to get significant or higher returns due to the small market effect.

Illiquid Shares – Unlisted shares are mostly illiquid and undervalued, which makes fewer people invest in these shares for a long period as these shares have a lower value. There are many opportunities to invest in unlisted shares, but if you have just started then let an expert help you with the guidelines and how to go about investing in these shares.

Diversify risks – Diversify your risks while investing in unlisted shares, as you’ll get higher returns than listed shares. As these shares might go public in the future, it will benefit you in the long run. But it’s advised to give a background check with its price and look out for listed shares and their higher investment growth.

Stress-Free – Need not worry about unlisted shares with fluctuation in prices when compared to listed shares. These shares do not fluctuate frequently.


Unlisted shares can be trickier once you start as a newbie. Stockify is the best online stock broker platform in India and Dubai, where our experts will guide you through your investment journey with all your favorite company stocks available. You can buy or sell unlisted shares at an affordable price, with 100% security and a safe platform for trading. We will help you grow your opportunities with higher returns.

Table of Contents

Unlisted shares have been gaining its value for past many years. With many investors making their way to unlisted shares, you can also try investing in your favorite unlisted companies and get a better hang of it once the company gets listed to the pubic.

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