Key Metrics To Consider Before Investing In Hexaware Unlisted Shares
Do you want to invest in Hexaware Technologies unlisted shares? If yes, consider important factors before investing in its unlisted shares. Check here.
Hexaware Technologies Records Sequential Profit Growth Of 6.6%: Know How It Impacts Its Unlisted Share Price
Hexaware Technologies Limited, a reputed IT and business process outsourcing service provider based in Navi Mumbai, India, expects revenue growth of 12-14% in the current fiscal year. The positive outlook and already growing profits resulted in surging its share prices and invited potential investors to leverage this opportunity. As the company is scaling and setting […]
Hexaware Technologies To Offer Rs 475 Per Share For The Delisting Offer: Everything You Need To Know About It
Hexaware Technologies, an IT firm, announced that the final price of its delisting offer is Rs 475 per share. During this, the company also stated that it would liquidate its 8.72 crore equities which are validly tendered. HT Global Holding BV, an acquirer, and HT Global Holding, a promoter of Hexaware Technologies, have accepted the […]